One thing about being a working mom is that there are days when Carley isn't feeling well, and she wants me to stay home with her. I wish I had the ability to just say "okay, I'm staying home." Today was one of those days.
Carley seemed fine and happy when I told her that Grammy was coming over to visit, and she was sitting on the couch, drinking her milk and smiling, until I announced that I was going to work. She climbed down, stuck out her top lip (which makes me laugh, because my brother and my best friend said I did the same thing every time I cried as a kid), and cried. She did not want me to leave today. She gave me a huge hug, and wouldn't let go of me.
Carley has never been the kind of baby to cry for no reason, well, no GOOD reason. If she was crying, it was for wanting something - food, sleep, to feel better, etc. So I knew she didn't feel well. But it absolutely breaks my heart to leave her when she's crying out "mamma! mamma!" She seemed to recover well, but ugh, it kills me.