Run! The horrid pink eye has arrived! Hide your children! Shut the windows!
Well, okay, maybe a little overdramatic, but that's what people are thinking when you tell them you have pink eye, which, unfortunately, I have. The people I work with freak out over a cold. I can't imagine what they'd do if I showed up with pink eye. My attorney once threw away a pen because I dared to touch it while I had a cold. It was insulting, so when he wasn't looking I coughed on his office door handle. Just kidding. Or am I?
Turns out I probably got it from our mommy and me swim class on Saturday. Turns out the public pool is a petrie dish for pink eye. Who knew? So far I haven't infected anyone, but if I want someone to leave me alone, I just say "Ew, what's that oozing out of my eye?" and they run like the wind. I might have to use that one when I go back to work tomorrow and my attorney tries to make me do some work.