Thursday, October 2, 2008


Today, Carley is 20 months old. She has been talking since 8 months, most of it I have to interpret, but 99% of the time I know what she's talking about.

When we say good night to Carley we say "I love you" and when we prompt her to say "I love you" in return she says "wah-hee", which we take to mean "I love you."

This morning, as I was changing her diaper, she requested to hold Elmo, everyone's favorite Sesame Street monster. She laid on the table, hugging Elmo and for the first time, without prompting, she said "wah-hee". It was so adorable.

Of course, I wish her first "i love you" was meant for me or her dad, but really, how can we compete with Elmo?