Well, today (so far) has been better than yesterday. I went to the doctor to deal with my migraine and my temporary confusion that I experienced yesterday. I am convinced that it has to do with my insulin-resistance (pre-diabetes) and a combination of lack of sleep, lack of water and proper nutrition. Oh, and I had a cold on top of all of that.
The doctor, however, wants to rule out any neurological conditions (stroke? tumors? epilepsy?) so I go in for an MRI next week. I'm not overly thrilled about that because I'm like Chicken Little - the sky is falling! Of course I've convinced myself of the worst and having a daughter makes it that much harder for me because I need to be around for her.
It's all good. I'm sure it'll come back as nothing more than an intense migraine brought on by the amazing chocolate cake I had yesterday. It's back to the gym and healthy eating for me.
And on a side note...my husband is the most wonderful person ever. It's so easy to get stuck in ruts of bills, and life, and we sometimes get on each others nerves, but when I was having my issues yesterday I was texting Chris because I was really scared. I ended up leaving, and Chris came in to see me. At the time, and up until 8:00 this morning, I thought they came to visit because they were in town. The girls at work told me he told them that he came to visit because I wasn't feeling well - that he wanted to check on me.
He is so sweet and he's never tell me that. I'm so lucky to have him and he's going to be there with me next week when I have my MRI. Which I know will come out as nothing more than migraines. And no more cake. Dammit!