Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Well, due to the kind of work I do, there's not much I can tell you about my job and what goes on. I work in the Prosecuting Attorney's office with adult felony crimes, which is why most everything I do is confidential. But today, I can tell you that I am on the front desk answering the phones.

When I was hired, I was hired as the receptionist. This was waaaayyy back before we had PC's and email. It seems like email has been around forever, but not in government work. We had what were called "dummy terminals" and it was just our database and a very archaic word processing system. It wasn't user friendly at all. But because we didn't have email, everyone called. We used to receive in excess of 600 calls per day. It was very stressful because you were also required to keep up with your extra duties while all 6 lines were ringing, you were helping those in the lobby and unlocking the front door. I was the receptionist for a year and it was miserable.

Nowadays, the receptionist has it easy. For one, the pay scaled has jumped 2 ranges and with the addition of email, you can go an hour without a single phone call. The work load has also decreased. No, I'm not bitter. I just sound like it.

Today, I'm answering phones again, but these days I don't mind. It's a nice little break and it's nice to see what's going on in the office. When you're up front you are the information master - you see all the reports and hear everything with everyone. I just hope no one yells at me (and if you can go an entire day without someone from the public yelling at you, you can call it a good day).