I bought the book Twilight once, when I needed an additional $7 to get free shipping on my Amazon.com order. I'd heard a few things about it and needed something to read, so I bought it. When I got it, I proceeded to put the book on my shelf for about six months.
I don't know what prompted me to pick up the book and actually read it, but once I started I couldn't put it down. I stayed up until midnight every night reading. I took the book with me everywhere I went. I read on my breaks, I read on my lunch hour and I fell in love with the book. And I proceeded to tell every person I knew to read the books.
Now, the movie is out (and made a shocking $70 million!) and tonight the girls and I are going to see it. I feel like the days have dragged since it opened 4 days ago, but in a few short hours we'll be seeing the book come to life.