Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Bad ideas

Carley's birthday is coming up in a few months and I had this brilliant idea that I was going to throw an Elmo-themed party, where everyone would wear red and we'd decorate with the color red and Elmo. Well, last night I went shopping with my mom at the mall and we passed a store that had an Elmo pinata. My first thought was "oh my gosh, how perfect is that!". I figured I'd fill it with candy and the older kids could do the pinata.

I was also going to just come back to the store to find out the price, but my mom was so exited by it she stormed right into the store to ask the price. Well, the impulse shopper in me decided that for $14, it was perfect and I had to have it because Carley would love it.

As soon as I paid for the item (and simultaneously saw the sign that said "no returns"), I walked out of the store and it suddenly dawned on me...Carley would absolutely FLIP OUT if she saw anyone beating the crap out of Elmo with a stick. The poor kid would be absolutely traumatized.

After her reaction to seeing me clean off Winnie the Pooh, I can't imagine what she'd do if someone took a stick to Elmo's head.

So, now I have a $14 Elmo pinta decoration.