However, before we got over-stimulated, we got dressed up for some trick 'r treating!

Next stop, was the Courthouse (my work). I'm glad my mom came with me. It's always easier with two people. In this picture, we have just arrived and the costume is intact and she's carrying the pumpkin bucket (which she pronounces as "pa pa").

The courthouse is a great place for trick 'r treating. It's indoors, there's room for her to run and there's not a million kids. She filled her bucket to the very top, in just the 4 offices she stopped in. She was a hit with everyone. We worked for about 2 months to say "trick or treat" (which sounded like "trick or trick", not leaving many options for the candy giver), however once we got started, she didn't say "trick or treat" once. However, she did learn how to say "thank you" about 2 days before Halloween and she said "thank you" to most everyone who gave her candy.
She sort of got the concept of Halloween. She'd get a piece of candy, put it in her pumpkin bucket and then say "thay choo" (thank you).

After the Courthouse, we went to my parents house and then my Grandma Sadie's house. The novelty had started to wear off and she just wanted to play. She gave up carrying the bucket and instead wanted to pick up rocks and leaves.
She then got distracted by a chain-link fence. I mean really, what kid doesn't want to put their arm through a chain-link fence?

Chris, unfortunately had to work so by the time he got to see her, she had already reached her breaking point. We didn't last much longer after that and she fell asleep in the car on the way home.