Last night we gave Carley a bath, and she has a fabric Winnie the Pooh that hangs on the wall that holds Carley's bath toys. We've always pointed to Pooh and said 'hi' to Pooh during bath time, but he's never come off the wall and we've never played with him. He's just been a silent observer.
After Carley was changed, she came with me to empty the bathtub of her water. Poor Pooh fell off the wall and landed in the soapy water. I picked him up, hoping to just hang him back up but then decided that I needed to clean him off before doing so.
I scrunched up Pooh and violently shook him in the water to clean him up. Carley's reaction to this was one of horror! She screamed loudly as if I was drowning Pooh. She was obviously scared about what I was doing and wanted me to stop, but since she couldn't say "stop!" she screamed. It totally broke my heart. She looked back at Chris, sitting at the computer, as if to say "I can't believe mom tried to drown Pooh!".
It was so heartbreaking and she went back into the bathroom several times before bed to check on Pooh to make sure he was okay.
No worries, Carley, I love Pooh too.