Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Thoughts on Lost

It's a TV show. I know, but it's a TV show I have loved from episode 2. I can't say episode 1 because I recall thinking that this show had NO WHERE to go after (what we now know was the smoke) monster ripping up trees as the castaways waited for rescue on the beach. I thought it was ridiculous and stupid...yet I was curious enough to come back and I don't think I missed an episode in the 6 years it was on.

The finale gave us closure. **SPOILER ALERT** The castaways are all dead. But the island wasn't hell, really. It was hell the adjective not the noun.
The sideways stories was how they wanted their lives if they had never crashed but in reality was the "in between" death and the afterlife. Heavy stuff, right?

In the end, Lost was Jack's story. His path to enlightenment or whatever you believe. He
had peace with his life and he entered the afterlife with the people he loved and the people who were most important to him.

I am not religious in any way, shape or form. The only times I ever went to church was when I spent a Saturday night with my best friend who was Catholic. And even then I only went because I had a years long crush on her cousin. I think if I was to enter a church now, I just might burst into flames. But, I digress...

I am not sure if I believe in heaven. I think there are other ideas out there. I like how Lost ended because I like to think that when my life is over I might be reunited with those I love before moving on to the next life.