Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I had fun on Facebook last night, posting old class pictures. Even more fun is that so many of the people in these pictures are my friends on facebook. Bellingham is a small town, which I love, and I love that we are all still in touch in 2009, 30 years after this first picture was taken. Enjoy:

1st Grade, Sunnyland Elementary (1979-1980). I am the one in the front/standing row, far right holding a book.

2nd grade, Sunnyland Elementary (1980-1981). I'm the one on the left side, holding the sign in the sweet velour top.

3rd grade, Sunnyland Elementary (1981-1982). That's me in the front row, rainbow shirt.

4th grade, Sunnyland Elementary School (1982-1983). I'm in the front row, 4th from the left in the god-awful jeans and bowling t-shirt. I'm sure my mom was thrilled that I wore this for picture day.

5th grade, Sunnyland Elementary School (1983-1984). I'm in the front standing row, 2nd from the left.

Seriously, my hair in all these pictures, with the exception of 1st grade is terrible! No style at all.