Thursday, December 18, 2008

The end is in sight

I'm now in my 4th night at my parents house, stranded by the snow. My parents will never truly know how much I appreciate them letting Carley and I stay at their house, while watching Carley while I go to work. But I'm at the end of what I can take and I just want to get home.

My emotions, due to stress, are so raw. Most everything sets me off. With Christmas coming, my shopping not done, my inability to get home, no way to get groceries and hardly any presents wrapped, I am simply overstressed and I just can't handle it anymore. Unfortunately, I am not sleeping well at my parents house (about 4 hours per night) which just adds to my emotional instability.

I am still not sure how I'm going to get home tomorrow. Ideally, I'd like to drive, but it's been snowing so much that just might not be possible. My brother has offered to drive me home, and so has my Uncle Jeff. At this point, I just want to be home - in my bed, in my house.

I've not been this stressed out in so long and I've made myself sick. I know that people are going to say that we need to move, or buy a vehicle with 4WD, but neither option is within our means. We actually love where we live the other 350 days of the year. So, for now I'll be at my parents house and I hope I can get home tomorrow, and I can't wait to see my husband again.

Next...trying to get back into town for Christmas.