This was Carley's 2nd Christmas. Last year was fun, but this year was fun too. Right before bed, Chris and Carley put out cookies and milk for Santa. After pouring the milk, we told her it was time for bed and stood her up - only to have her sit right back down. She wanted to wait by the cookies and milk for Santa. After much discussion, we were finally able to convince her that he would only come after she's gone to bed.

The next morning, I woke her up and told her that Santa had come. She ran out of her room, and saw this:

and proceeded to run right to daddy. She was scared by what Santa had left her. I guess I would be too - knowing that someone had been in my house during the night. She loosened up a little and ran over and got the Monkey Santa left her and then ran back to daddy. It wasn't until mommy got
inside the tent that she realized how cool it was. And while I complain about the cons of being a short mom (can't reach changing tables, can't lift her into shopping carts, etc), one of the plus sides is...I get to play inside little kid toys.
She then decided that every single thing needed to go inside of her tent so she proceeded to grab all of her toys and put them inside.

A few hours later we had to tell her that she had even more presents to open and she wasted no time in getting them opened.

She got an Elmo telephone that says "Carley" (and every time he does, she gets a big grin).
She got a box full of clothes which she laid out to see (and said "ooooh" with each piece).

She got a bunch of books, which were the gift to beat all gifts. As soon as she opened the Mickey Mouse books, she had no more interest in opening the rest of her gifts, and proceeded to lay down on the floor to immerse herself in Mickey's world.

But the best gift of all, one that makes us all laugh is something Santa left in her stocking...a kazoo! Both Chris and I tried to figure out how to play it, but couldn't. Carley, on the other hand, could lead a kazoo band. And the kazoo was a last minute thing, before Santa flew away with his reindeer.
Carley had a fun Christmas and so did we.