Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas on December 27th

Well, we made it out yesterday. Barely. We got stuck 7 feet from our driveway and proceeded to drive sideways down the road. Got stuck at the end of the road, then stuck at the end of another road. Stopped 2 plow drivers to request our roads to be plowed THEN made it out for Christmas.

It wasn't the same as regular Christmas, but I loved being with my family, even if it felt like being on display being the only ones to open up gifts. But, I appreciated everything everyone went through to give us a Christmas. (Carley preparing for nunhood?)

Hopefully next year we'll be able to spend Christmas at my parents house. If we never see another white Christmas again it'll be too soon.

Carley got an Elmo that dances and she dances with him.

She also got a ball popper which she loves, but I don't know who loves it more. Carley or...


I don't normally do the "tag" thing on my blog, but I figured why not. It's day 15 of snow and being stuck at home. Here are the top 5 things I love:

1. My daughter and every single thing she does. Not as obvious as you think because even when she's acting up I love her to death. Since we've been stuck together for so long, we've become even closer and every day she's doing something new. I can't imagine life without her. The latest thing I love is when she comes to me, grabs my hand and says "mon mon mommy" (come on mommy).

2. My husband. He puts up with so much and is the best thing to ever happen to me. We are total opposites, and yet he loves me so much and vice versa. We were apart for 4 days two weeks ago and I didn't think I could miss him as much as I did. We've been married almost 7 years and I missed him as much this time, as I did when he took a week's vacation with his brother 6 months after we were married. It's easy to forget how much you love someone, until you're apart. Absence really does make the heart grow fonder.

3. Rain. I love rain. I love rain because it's not snow. I love rain because it washes away snow, and I love rain because it makes me feel like putting on my most comfortable clothes and reading a book. Rain makes me feel cozy, and frankly it takes a lot of rain for me to get sick of it.

4. Sunrise. I love watching the sun rise, and I love the quiet a sunrise offers. The older I get, the more I appreciate the quiet of nature and life.

5. Photography. Pretty simple. I like being able to take a picture that can capture what I'm feeling when I see something, or even finding something pretty in the middle of chaos or something ugly. This morning, while looking my neighbors house, the snow on their roof was melting and where the heat comes out on top, it looked like the snow had melted into the shape of a heart. That's what I love about photography. Would you see that if you look at the roof of a house?

Friday, December 26, 2008


Christmas Day

This was Carley's 2nd Christmas. Last year was fun, but this year was fun too. Right before bed, Chris and Carley put out cookies and milk for Santa. After pouring the milk, we told her it was time for bed and stood her up - only to have her sit right back down. She wanted to wait by the cookies and milk for Santa. After much discussion, we were finally able to convince her that he would only come after she's gone to bed.

The next morning, I woke her up and told her that Santa had come. She ran out of her room, and saw this:

and proceeded to run right to daddy. She was scared by what Santa had left her. I guess I would be too - knowing that someone had been in my house during the night. She loosened up a little and ran over and got the Monkey Santa left her and then ran back to daddy. It wasn't until mommy got inside the tent that she realized how cool it was. And while I complain about the cons of being a short mom (can't reach changing tables, can't lift her into shopping carts, etc), one of the plus sides is...I get to play inside little kid toys.

She then decided that every single thing needed to go inside of her tent so she proceeded to grab all of her toys and put them inside.

A few hours later we had to tell her that she had even more presents to open and she wasted no time in getting them opened.

She got an Elmo telephone that says "Carley" (and every time he does, she gets a big grin).

She got a box full of clothes which she laid out to see (and said "ooooh" with each piece).

She got a bunch of books, which were the gift to beat all gifts. As soon as she opened the Mickey Mouse books, she had no more interest in opening the rest of her gifts, and proceeded to lay down on the floor to immerse herself in Mickey's world.But the best gift of all, one that makes us all laugh is something Santa left in her stocking...a kazoo! Both Chris and I tried to figure out how to play it, but couldn't. Carley, on the other hand, could lead a kazoo band. And the kazoo was a last minute thing, before Santa flew away with his reindeer.

Carley had a fun Christmas and so did we.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Cookies for Santa

I told Carley last night that we needed to make cookies for Santa so we could leave him some cookies to eat, and milk to drink. She has been excited about this ever since I told her. Today we made chocolate chip cookies - I'm sure one of his favorites.

Dish up the dough (I cheated with pre-made dough)

Using your hand is much quicker.

Bake and remove!Yum. Santa won't be able to resist.

I'm dreaming of a White Christmas...

...with every Christmas card I write. Now, why did I have to write 30 Christmas Cards?


This is true and untrue. But, I'm trying not to worry, but unfortunately it looks like we'll be unable to spend Christmas with Chris's family. It's been snowing since before I got up. It's supposed to snow all day long.

Yes, it's still Christmas. Yes, we will still enjoy it, but I love my family and it's the one day of the year we can all be together and I can finally show my appreciation for my family. They do so much for Chris and Carley and I and they never let us give them money or gifts for helping us. I was really hoping to spend Christmas with the people I love.

Today, Carley and I will make cookies for Santa, and if mother nature permits, then we'll see my family tomorrow. One thing is for sure...we will never forget this Christmas.

Merry Christmas.


Okay, the last time I was able to take Carley out was on December 13th. It's now December 24th and I never understood the term stir-crazy, until last night. As punishment (probably more mine than hers), for not picking up something she threw, the TV was turned off. She had to find other things to occupy her time.

First, she wanted to change the diaper of her baby doll...

(changing pad, with baby lying on it in the hallway)

...second, she wanted to change Elmo, so she put him on the changing table.

Then, she decided that Elmo should be wearing a swim diaper, because apparently he likes to go swimming. As soon as I put the swim diaper on him, Carley wanted to wear her own swimsuit.

When I balked at putting her swimsuit on over her clothes she got upset, so I just went with it.

But, you can't stop there, so she found a pair of panties (the kind that go on under dresses) and wanted to put that on as well - inside out, mind you.

And wait! It's not over yet. What pants-shirt-swimsuit-panties outfit is complete without - HEADWEAR!
She was so comfortable, she wore the outfit all the way until bedtime.

See, Mother Nature? See what you've done with my child?

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Measuring snow

Betty Crocker

Today we decided to make Raisin Bran muffins. Having not been to the grocery store in about 2 weeks, we're getting pretty low on good things to eat and snack on. Pretty sad when our snack is Raisin Bran muffins.

Regardless, we made them for something to do.

Step 1: put cupcake liners in the pan.
Step 1a: decide you don't like the arrangement and re-do.Step 2 (not pictured): pour the 3/4 cup of water all over the counter. Make mom clean up and get more water.

Step 3: add water to bowl, dunk pacifier in said bowl.

Step 4: Add egg and muffin mix and stir. Step 5: get out spoons and try to eat said muffin mix while mom prevents it and takes a picture too.

Step 6: put muffins in the oven
They came out great!

Spoiled Christmas

What should be a joyous time of year, has been spoiled by a White Christmas. If Christmas was today, we'd be enjoying time with our families, however with a winter storm warning for 6 more inches of snow to fall tonight, there is no hope for us to spend Christmas with our families.

While we can always get out of Sudden Valley (hills and gravity takes care of that for us), getting home is the real problem. Unless the winter storm warning passes us by, Christmas is going to have to continue without us.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Domestic Diva

When you're forced to stay home, you find ways of entertaining yourself. Today I decided I'd try to be Martha Stewart and make playdough. Here's your domestic diva at work.

Carley, being only 22 months, likes to eat stuff so I knew that I needed a recipe that was:

1) non-toxic
2) able to be made with the things found in my house.

I had once found a recipe for Kool-Aid playdough, and while cleaning out a cupboard last night (remember..this is our 9th day with snow, and being stuck indoors), I found some packs of Kool-Aid.

I don't even know how long we've had the Kool-Aid. I don't recall ever buying Kool-Aid and I sure don't remember ever drinking it in the last 3 or 4 years, so I'm pretty sure it's very, very old.

I found the recipe again. This is what I used:

What You Need:

  • 1 c flour, sifted
  • 1/2 c salt
  • 3 T cooking oil
  • 1 pkg Koolaid (unsweet)
  • 1 c boiling water
1. Mix to gether flour, salt, oil, and Kool-aid.
2. Add the cup of boiling water. Mix well.
3. Knead the mixture until it forms a soft dough.
4. Have fun!
5. Store in a sealed container in the refrigerator.


  1. Any other unsweetened, powdered drink mix may be substituted.
  2. Expect colored hands :-)
  3. Non-toxic... could be eaten, but won't taste very good.

Carley loved the feel of it, and frankly I was surprised at how it turned out. I thought for sure it'd be sticky and messy.We got a few "tools" and Carley got right to playing like a seasoned pro.

She really enjoyed the playdough and it was a good, new thing to break up our monotonous days here indoors.

When hell freezes over...

...this is what it looks like.

And it keeps coming...

What more can I say?





today...the icicles tell me that something is melting, but not enough.

This is level with the floor, so the snow is at least a foot deep - after I walked around in it and made a snowman with it yesterday.