This rant applies to any office of any size. I am speaking for the people......Please do not bring your breakfast, snacks and lunches for the entire week and store them in the office fridge. You don't need to bring a carton of soy milk for the one bowl of cereal you have in the morning. You don't need to have "options" when it comes to your morning yogurt. You don't need to bring 4 bags of different kinds of lettuce so that you can have the "big salad" at lunch. And if you are indecisive about which type of dressing to use? Bring small samples of all of them instead of littering the fridge door with your jars and jars and jars of dressing. The last time I checked, there was only 1 person who rode a bike to work, therefore only HE should be bringing a week's worth of food to keep in the fridge. You? You're driving your ass to work every day, so get up a little earlier and pack a lunch. Can't decide if you want banana or vanilla yogurt? Decide when you wake up.
I shouldn't have to move your milk, your yogurt, your apple, your butter, your dressing spray, your croutons just to be able to place a single can of pop in the fridge. I shouldn't have to move your moldy whatever-the-hell-that-is to put my lunch in the fridge.
Considering all the food I'm finding in the fridge I'm beginning to wonder if any part of your day is spent working, or if you are attempting to become the next Food Network Star. Either way....the fridge is not your personal storage container. You need to share it with 50 other people, so get up early, make your lunch before leaving your house and for God's sake....make a freaking dressing decision!!!